Project Arré Voice is a new-age voice-based social network for women. We aim to build communities of empowered women who like to express their opinions on social issues, current affairs, and skill development.

Mentioned below are the common problems faced by users and the steps to resolve them.

1. I got waitlisted, what do I do?

If you or any of your invitees, get waitlisted through the bulk invite link, please follow the steps below:

  1. DO NOT uninstall the app
  2. Go back to the bulk invite link they downloaded the app from.
  3. Click on it
  4. Their phones will ask weather to use a browser or open with Arre voice app
  5. Select PAV app
  6. The app will open and they will see the screen with ‘Get started’ button
  7. Click on ‘Get started’
  8. Enter phone number and OTP
  9. Finish onboarding

2. Can I invite my friends who do not reside in India?

No. Currently the Project Arrè Voice app is only available to users in India. We will make the app available to global users very soon!